Bit Nebula

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Petroglyph v0.2.0

A new version of Petroglyph is out, v0.2.0! This blog has been updated too, and is now being generated by v0.2.0.

I started work on Petroglyph a year ago. The code I wrote then did a lot of stupid things and had a lot of things missing, but well, it worked. When I completed that version, I remember deciding that I would certainly come back one day and update it.

This summer, I decided the time was ripe. I had another year of experience developing software and I decided to put it to good use fixing v0.1.0 of Petroglyph. Unfortunately, when I looked at the code, I realised, "mujhse na ho payega". I just can't do this. The code wasn't really fixable. I was a little appalled at what the 1-year-younger me had done.

So I did what everyone does when they realise that their code is pretty much unfixable. I rewrote it. More features and sensible code (hopefully). Yay! Petroglyph is now a command line tool and using it is much, much easier. If you'd like to try it out (though I'm not sure it'll work on Windows), the file in the GitHub repo should give you all the information you need to get started.

If you find any issues, please do file them on GitHub. The code is licensed under the MIT license, so contributions are, of course, welcome.

P.S. I'm hoping I don't come back a year later and decide that the code is unfixable and do a rewrite again. That would be rather embarrassing.

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