Bit Nebula

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I've been writing CSS for over 3 years now. I used a lot of Bootstrap when it was still at v2.3.2. I've also taken a look at other CSS frameworks, such as Skeleton and Pure and also looked at smaller projects, such as Toast, a CSS grid implementation. However, most of my projects involved significant customization - some projects didn't use a framework at all - so I ended up picking up a lot of CSS.

I've always thought that frameworks as complete as Bootstrap (sometimes referred to as bloated) were awesome. Need a navbar? Of course it's included. Need a sliding image carousel? Yep, we've got that too.

But I've always wondered. What if, instead of including everything that a project might need, you simply included some basics? How much code would you have to write? How would it compare to Bootstrap's whopping 122.5 kB?

I thought I'd give it a try. Ten days ago, I released ThodaCSS v0.1.0. ThodaCSS is a "lightweight, minimal CSS framework", hence the name Thoda CSS. (The word thoda in Hindi, means "a little" or "some".)

ThodaCSS doesn't include much. Some typography, buttons, a responsive grid, a navbar, tables, forms, a sidebar, a "hero unit" and some utility classes. Very minimal compared to other more complete frameworks. That's why it weighs in at just 7.2 kB (9 kB if I include normalize.css, which I should). Just some basic features and a small footprint. I think it's a good deal.

If you're a front-end web developer, do try it out. If you find anything wrong with it, please file an issue on GitHub. It's licensed under the MIT license, so contributions are, of course, very welcome!

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